Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Henna Belly by Henna Oasis

A few days back I got to meet the lovely Kate who is expecting her first baby. Just a few days before we got together Kate had henna applied to her belly by the very talented Elizabeth from Henna Oasis. Henna takes a few days to develop to it's darkest shade so that's when I arrived - in time to shoot when the henna was looking it's best.

I love the green of the sari with the warm tones of the henna.

As you can see the designs are very delicate and decorative - it just amazes me that Elizabeth does this freehand and comes up with the designs as she works.

Kate and father-to-be Jason have a number of pet snakes - we thought it might add an interesting mix to the photo shoot to use one as a prop. It was slithering around a lot and I found it difficult to get a really good shot. Nothing like doing something a little different to spice things up!

I love how the black and white photos show up the intricate designs.

Here is the talented Elizabeth and her gorgeous little girl Keely. Be sure to stop by Henna Oasis and check her out. If you are on the Gold Coast - let all your friends having bubs know about her work - it would make a great gift at a baby shower.

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