Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Finish Line

I just wanted to send out a huge thank you to all those people who generously sponsored the Boonah Babes and I in our recent triathlon.

I would have posted earlier but I've been exhausted!!

As I mentioned in earlier posts - I'm really not sporty and completing this has been such a huge event in my life (once again big hugs to Liz for motivating me).

The girls and I raised over a thousand dollars and currently we are the 1oth highest fund raiser team - you can still donate by visiting this site

Help keep us in the top 10!!!

The event so far has raised over 90 000 - which is really really wonderful - I am so pleased to be a part of this event. We've all said we will do it again which is even better.

Luke was telling me the other day about a show he saw and how science has discovered that we are at our happiest when giving something to others and honestly by putting myself out there to do something for others I have gained so much in return. Good intentions to live a more healthy lifestyle have never come to fruition until now and participating in this event has given me an active lifestyle that I wouldn't even have dreamed of each year when I made my New Years Resolutions. So I think it's true - doing something for others brings much happiness and gifts that you never dreamed of!!

Okay and now I am sharing the photos - and for my part it's not pretty!!

This is us crossing the finish line - we did it in under an hour!!

And here we are with our medals - I have no idea why my face is looking like that but I thought Luke got another where I didn't look so hideous! Oh and I accidentally deleted the ones of us in our swimmers - seriously it was an accident!
Hopefully Boonah Babes with be bigger and better next year!!
Gosh - I am super short aren't I?????


Anonymous said...

Well done Sheila, you should be so proud of yourselves (I'm sure you are)! Congrats on making the top 10 fund raisers :)

Anonymous said...

what an amazing achievement - well done to all of you

Renee Bell said...

well done Sheila!!!!
Cngrats for making top 10 :-)

jackie said...

well done sheila thats awesome!!!!!!

Jodi McDonald said...

Cute outfits - I reckon your face is saying "This isn't alcohol - where is the alcohol?"

Megan said...

Wow...congratulations Sheila! What a huge accomplishment!