Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Getting Personal

For some time now I've been struggling to upkeep my personal blog as well as my photography blog. When I first started blogging some time back I used to blog family along with clients but then I thought it would be far more professional to keep them separate. So that is what I did. What happened though was that one or the other would become neglected.

In photography circles there is much debate about using your own children's photos in your marketing materials or on your website. Some feel it's not professional, so I've been moving away from my girls featuring on my website and it was easy to keep things separate with the two blogs.
What I've found though, is that it's just not me. My family and my photography are both central to my life and to keep treat them as two separate and distinct entities just doesn't seem to be working for me. I've been lucky and blessed enough to have a job that I absolutely love - it's part of the ebb and flow of our daily lives - so I've decided that from now on I will have the one blog - my children and my life will feature there along side all the great people I get to meet and photograph.
It feels better to me this way. It just fits right.

1 comment:

mindy said...

yeah.. i'm so glad that i get to see more of your beautiful family!